Theory and practice of production scheduling

ObjectivesThe objective is to understand the basics of production scheduling, identify scheduling problems and know and understand specific methods to solve them. We will pay particular attention to exact and approximate solution methods in deterministic and uncertain environments. Students will also have the ability to manipulate an academic scheduling software.






  • Classification of scheduling problems: tasks, resources, production lines, constraints, criteria, representation of a schedule …
  • Scheduling in deterministic environment: exact solution methods (priority rules , dynamic programming …), approximate methods with or without performance guarantee (list algorithms, local search algorithms)
  • Scheduling in uncertain environment: Flexibility and robustness in scheduling, concept of scenario, exact and approximate solution methods of some robust versions.





  • P. Brucker, Scheduling algorithms, Springer, 2007 (
  • P. Esquirol et P. Lopez, L’ordonnancement, Economica, 1999
  • Groupe GOThA, Modèles et Algorithmes en Ordonnancement, Ellipses, 2004.
  • M.L. Pinedo, Planning and Scheduling in Manufaturing and Services, Springer, 2005
  • J-C. Billaut, A. Moukrim et E. Sanlaville. Flexibilité et robustesse en ordonnancement, Lavoisier, 2005

Head of Master MODO: Daniel VANDERPOOTEN

Secretariat :
  Office : B522
  Tel. : +33 1 44 05 42 47
  email : master-modoping @

  Université Paris Dauphine
  Master MODO - Bureau P619
  Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
  75775 Paris Cedex 16, France